Holt McDougal World History: Patterns of Interaction Grades 9-12.

Holt McDougal World History: Patterns of Interaction Grades 9-12.

Regular price $131.85 Sale

Vendor:A Brighter Child


Categories: History

Tags: Religious:no

Holt McDougal World History: Patterns of Interaction gives every student a first-hand account of history through document-based questions that help develop and improve critical-thinking skills. Filled with compelling visuals, it has a variety of student-friendly features designed to enhance the learning experience. With this support, every student can understand world history from a global perspective and from a deeper, more personal level. 8 Units. 36 Chapters. Contains Student Edition and Interactive Online Edition. Grades 9-12.

Student Edition:

*Emphasizes the big picture with clear connections between geography and history, between world history themes and chapter connections, and across units with enduring understandings.

*Maps, graphic organizers, and other high-interest visuals make world history content more accessible

*Primary sources to promote critical thinking

*Reading Toolkit improves content-area reading while building social studies skills

Interactive Online Edition:

*Whole textbook in digital form with embedded audio at TextHelp

*Unit-level Multimedia Connections with HISTORY video, primary sources, and maps

*HISTORY Videos and games related to brographies and features at point-of-use

*Essential Question podcast at every chapter

*eActivities, section audio, and a multitude of student resources

*Primary Source, Interactive World Atlas and Maps, Current Events, Notetaking Wizard, and Net Explorations

*Online Assessments

*Teacher Resources

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