Classic Myths to Read Aloud

Classic Myths to Read Aloud

Regular price $16.00 Sale

Vendor:A Brighter Child


Categories: Reading & Literature

Tags: Religious:no

Classic Myths to Read Aloud is the most valuable compendium available of Greek and Roman mythology designed specifically to be read to children aged five and up. Complete with fascinating histories of many common words that originated in these myths, this book is the perfect way to raise your child's level of "cultural literacy" - and your own. This book contains the timeless stories that have been retold in every generation throughout the world. Here children will marvel to the tales of "Jason and the Golden Fleece," "The Sword of Damocles," and stories from the Iliad and the Odyssey. Preceding each myth is a list of vocabulary words and definitions, with pronunciation of difficult words bracketed in the text istself. Dr. Russell also provides an entertaining etymology of certain words that entered our language through these stories, from Achilles' heel to zoo.
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